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Dams construction, need and of the hour for Political and economic stability

Pakistani nation has observed continued and heated debates over the construction of dams for the last 70 years, but the way population is increasing on daily, monthly and yearly basis not much positive work has been done and the dams construction issues kept on raising and after every three to four years floods divested Punjab, Sindh and internal Sindh crops.

The precious rainwater despite been transferred into the much-needed dams fell into sea keeping the future of the nation in complete darkness.

Pakistani poor nation is paying price of our planning commissions priorities and policies, which came one after the other since 1947, which did nothing except trumpeting of political government policies but factually nothing viably surfaced for the making of new earth filled dams.

Policy makers resulting in high increase in utility bills pulling the nation into roads through violent protests felling victim to police force in the form of baton charges and restlessness into Pakistani nation.

Reasons behind non-construction of dams in Pakistan and the challenges has faced Pakistan and the nation has faced since 1947 are well established and everyone is looking and staring eyes towards God Almighty praying for a miracle to happen and Pakistan could steer itself to those rising heights which other nations dream about

Practically it happened that Pakistan has experienced periods of political instability which have often diverted attention and resources away from long-term infrastructure projects like dams. Frequent changes in government priorities and policies can hinder continuity in large-scale projects.

Pakistan also faced funding issues from time to time and the international monetary institutions did not pay they pivotal role to finance major infrastructure projects like dams requires significant investment. Pakistan has faced constraints in securing adequate funding, both domestically and internationally, due to economic challenges and geopolitical factors.

Technical and Engineering Challenge were also faced by the nation Building dams requires advanced engineering expertise and technology. Pakistan has encountered difficulties in acquiring and maintaining the necessary technical capabilities and expertise.

Environmental Concerns was also another big hinderance. Dams can have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, altered river ecosystems, and displacement of communities. Addressing these concerns requires careful planning, environmental assessments, and stakeholder consultations, which can delay project timelines.

Pakistan shares rivers with neighboring countries, such as India and Afghanistan, leading to disputes over water rights and usage. These disputes can complicate dam construction and management.

Building dams often involves resettling communities and impacting local cultures and ways of life. Addressing these social factors requires careful planning and mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts.

Pakistan’s geopolitical situation, including concerns over terrorism and regional instability, can affect the security of infrastructure projects like dams.

Despite these challenges, Pakistan has undertaken some dam projects over the years, such as the Mangla Dam and the Tarbela Dam. Efforts continue to address water management issues through various initiatives, though the pace and scale of dam construction have varied due to the complexities involved.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), not PDMA (Punjab Disaster Management Authority), typically provides information on causes and forecasts of heavy rains and floods in Punjab. However, I can explain some common causes and effects:

Recent surveys revealed that during monsoon, Punjab and surrounding regions experience intense rainfall due to moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea.

Punjab’s flat terrain can lead to rapid runoff during heavy rains, causing rivers and streams to overflow. Changing weather patterns globally can intensify rainfall and lead to more frequent extreme weather events.

Rapid urban development without proper drainage systems can exacerbate flooding in cities and towns forcing the residents to vacate their houses along with their valuables becoming strangers in their hometowns looking into skies for help.

Researchers are of the view that low-lying areas and riverbanks are at risk of inundation, leading to property damage and displacement of residents. Floods disrupt transportation, communication, and utilities such as electricity and water supply.

Farmlands can be submerged, leading to crop damage and loss of livelihoods for farmer. Waterborne diseases and sanitation issues can arise in flooded areas, posing risks to public health.

Water Board Authorities, Water Conservation Organizations, Rain Water Harvesting Institutes, Water Conservation Projects and institutes have restricted themselves to be silent spectators with blind eyes and dumb ears while others who are directly or indirectly involved, somehow or the other, are not interested in resolving all such issues.

High electricity rates, growing inflation and restlessness among public, due to inflated and high-cost consumer bills have paved ways for public demonstrations, tearing off of electricity bills has put every citizen under pressure and only the creation of dams is the only way to address all such public issues.

Showing a sense of responsibility, careful focused approach official attitudes, and only seriousness to the cause can solve all such public issues Now the time has come that the nation and thinktanks should sit on table under one page and brain storm with in-depth analytic analysis for the creation of dams is the only key for Pakistani nation success.

In order to save the deteriorating economy and address every Pakistani’s issue at his doorsteps, which should be the motto of Pakistan. to make it a welfare state where everyone can live in a cool and calm carefree environment and utilize his energies for the solidarity and make Pakistan great and strong in the comity of nations.

Time has come to sit on table, unite and bring all factions on table by addressing their genuine issues will only help serve the cause and construct a number of dams to lower energy prices otherwise it will be too late and we will have nothing in our hands despite a feeling of deprivation, poverty, hunger, economic disaster, inflation and political instability.

Hafiz Atta
Tahir Mahmood Khan enjoy 25 years of National and International print and electronic media industry experience having worked with leading media houses and International News Channels and News Producer In Pakistani Channels and Radio Pakistan Islamabad as an analytic expert. Now working an Editor, Freelancer, blogger, columnist and analyst.

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