Pakistani UN Mission Accounts, Email, and YouTube Channel Breached in Cyber Attack

Hackers targeted Pakistan’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN) in a recent cyber attack, compromising both their official email account and YouTube channel. The breach occurred on Friday night, impacting the email ID used by the information wing. Sources indicated that the mission’s YouTube channel was also breached, resulting in changes to its name, banners, and uploaded content.

The attack occurred on June 14 at 4 pm US time. The Pakistani mission has urged recipients to disregard any emails or videos until they regain full control of their accounts.

In a related context, on May 13, Pakistan emphasized the necessity for a permanent cyber capacity-building mechanism within the UN. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between developing and developed nations, fostering trust and cooperation among states in the realm of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).

Ambassador Munir Akram emphasized during the Global Roundtable on ICT Security Capacity Building that “international cooperation in capacity building on an equitable basis is crucial for ensuring a secure, stable, and peaceful ICT environment.”


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